Do you consider yourself a minimalist? Living with only the essentials allows you to focus on what's important in life. When you only have five shirts to choose from, you waste a lot less time deciding what to wear. Moreover, when your space is decorated in a simple, minimal way that echoes your lifestyle, the benefits become even more apparent.
If you'd like to decorate or furnish your bedroom in a way that supports your minimalist lifestyle, consider investing in a Murphy bed. These beds, which fold into the wall when not in use, offer several benefits for minimalists and anyone else who craves simplicity. Here's a closer look.
Benefits of Murphy Beds for Minimalists
Murphy beds were patented in 1899, and they were originally intended as a space-saving option. The design survived the Great Depression and both World Wars, while still offering the same benefits—most of which fit seamlessly with minimalist ideals.
Murphy Beds Create a Multi-Use Space
At its core, minimalism is all about freedom. Getting rid of extra things gives you freedom from worry, guilt, and feelings of being overwhelmed. Murphy beds offer a similar type of freedom. Instead of being required to use a certain space as only your sleeping space, you can use that space for multiple purposes.
Fold down the bed to sleep, or fold it up and use the space for dining, dancing, yoga, or whatever else you please.
Murphy Beds Make It Possible To Live in a Smaller Space
Many minimalists extend the lifestyle to their finances, aiming to reduce their spending on anything unnecessary and minimize expenses like rent and car payments. To save on rent, you often must rent a smaller apartment — which may be all the space you need when you do not own a lot of items.
A Murphy bed makes living in a smaller space feasible since the bed can fold out of the way whenever you need more room.
Murphy Beds Coordinate With a Simple, Seamless Design
If you're a fan of minimalism, chances are you feel your best in a space that looks simple and clean — not cluttered. Murphy beds are perfect for simple, seamless designs. When the bed is folded into the wall, it looks smooth and elegant, not fluffy and cluttered like a traditional bedroom. You're also less likely to let laundry and other items accumulate on a Murphy bed since you need to fold the bed up into the wall.
Murphy Beds Don't Involve a Lot of Extra Parts and Accessories
So many accessories tend to come with traditional beds. You don't just need a bed frame and a mattress; you also need a box spring, a headboard, a footboard, and maybe some under-bed storage bins so that the under-bed space is not completely wasted. A Murphy bed gives you freedom from these extras. While there are Murphy beds that incorporate extras, many are one-piece designs.
Murphy Bed Designs for Minimalists
When choosing a minimalist bed that matches your minimalist ideals, focus on two things: function and style. Look for a bed that performs all of the functions you need. For some, this may mean a bed that folds up to reveal a sofa where you and your friends can sit. For others, this may mean a bed that folds into a larger armoire where you can house your clothing and accessories.
In terms of style, look for something sleek with few embellishments. Beds finished in one solid color with simple hardware look lovely in modern, minimalist spaces.
A Murphy bed will allow you to make the most of your smaller space and help you live a minimalist lifestyle. Explore the selection of beds at Irvine Murphy Beds. We offer a wide range of styles and finishes to suit any taste.

Increased Space
Perhaps the biggest advantage of a Murphy bed is also the most obvious. Since Murphy beds fold into the wall when they aren't being used, you can free up extra floor space in your home for daily activities. These might range from exercising, to completing important work, to enjoying a meal with your family. These tasks may be hard to achieve with a bed eating up additional space. The increased space can also help turn your home into a truly convertible work environment. Working from home is increasingly popular in career fields which can largely be satisfied over the internet, but you might still want to maintain an office-like environment in order to guarantee you stay fully focused on your work. Purchasing a Murphy bed can allow you to perform a total transformation on your space during the day, freeing up the floor for hard work.
Decreased Clutter
Minimizing the level of stress in your home is an important goal, but that goal may be achievable through some surprising means. If you're a person who likes to buy a lot of things which then pile up around the house, you might be creating a stressful environment without realizing it. A cluttered home can make you feel unsettled and disorganized in the precise space where you should be able to relax, creating serious complications in terms of sustaining a positive outlook. If your bed is folded up into the wall every day, you'll be far less likely to start jamming things underneath it. A Murphy bed can eliminate hiding spaces for clutter, and as a consequence, can make you less likely to accumulate unnecessary items. This can allow you to keep more money in your pocket and can also help guarantee that you don't end up stressed out by an extended mess.
Flexible Seating
While most Murphy beds fold completely into the wall when they're stored, others might offer more flexibility. Some Murphy beds come with an option to include additional couch seating, making your home more comfortable for visitors and allowing your bed to remain a private space. The distinction between a Murphy bed with a couch and a standard pull out is that your Murphy bed won't require your mattress to be bent. This can allow it to remain thicker and more supportive, guaranteeing that you're able to maintain a balance of comfort. Irvine Murphy Beds can supply you with a bed that will allow you to enjoy all of these positives. Turning to experts in the industry can help guarantee that you purchase a bed that meets your precise needs and can liberate you from the stress of figuring out how to adorn your living space.

Many Southern Californians are looking for ways to increase sleeping space in their homes while not having to dedicate a whole room to a bed. A wallbed, or Murphy bed, is a perfect way to achieve this goal. Irvine Murphy Beds has sold countless of these to the Irvine area, and our customers come for three main reasons:
Saves Space
The main reason you need a Murphy bed in your home is that it saves space. Instead of having a full bed on the floor at all times, you can keep it stored in the room and fold it down only when you need it.
Ready for Guests
Big family gatherings are great, but where will you put everyone? A Murphy bed provides an extra sleeping space that is comfortable. Don't put grandma on an air mattress, give her a real bed!
The Murphy bed folds up into a useable dresser, armoire or other furniture piece. This allows you to store bedding and more while not using the bed itself. When you purchase a Murphy bed from Irvine Murphy Beds, it will be installed in your Southern California home in 12 days or less! Call 949-535-3040 for more information!